After collecting a huge amount of data and Information. Doing interviews, polls and other methods available to collect data from the People. Next you need to Review and sort them. The next huge step in the Design Thinking Workshop.
The Point of View
Sort what you have
A lot of data has been collected, information’s which Needs to be reviewed and sorted as the next step. Think about methods to categorize and sort the Information. Think about questions and Topics to Group them together. Asking the right questions will help you with it.
Visualize what you have
Very important is to visualize your information now. Take a whiteboard or a wall and start to post the thoughts and Information on it. You can take post-ist for example. Put a note on a post-it and put it somewhere on the wall. No Need to sort them yet. Just collect and visualize what you have. Do what you are comfortable with. If you did Video interviews just create a quick summary note about the main thought of the Speaker. After you have everything on the wall you can go to the next step.
Define Topics and Groups
We spoke already about questions and Topics in the 2nd step. These thoughts are now important. Take a Card and put a Topic on it. Now put this Card also on the wall to define a Topic. Next you will arrange the post-ist around these Topics. Collect Posts which are the same and double. At the end will have some Topics and Groups of thoughts and Information.
Point of view – Define the Problem
At the end of this step you will have a look on your wall and start the first analyze. Define your Point of view. You started with some questions for the interview and Information collection. Now you Need to identify if you have asked the right questions or if you Need to update These. You will define your first Problem Statement. Define your challenge.
Chose a Group of Statements which you want to find a Solution for. have a closer look on These. What are they telling you? What are there thoughts to a certain Topic.
After you made your choose you Need to define your Problem Statement. Define it most accurate as possible. As clear as possible. I will create another article on how to write a Problem Statement. But so far you Need to write it down in a way which helps you to go ahead in the process.
The Problem Statement
What you want to do? What Problem you want to solve and how. To put in who will benefit from it can also help.
Completing this step will bring you to the next step which Need your creativity.