Hello, my name is Markus and i am the creator of this new blog. And this is my first post on this new blog about Innovation and learning methodologies.
Why do i decided to do this blog and what will be for?
It is all about my personal interests and experience i made with these topics. I am following the news and updates in these areas since several years now. Made courses, trainings and read a lot of books about it. For me these are very interesting topics and now i want to collect and share what i have found. Hopefully to be able to help people out there who are looking around and want to findĀ a good base to get started changing there live.
This blog will cover to main topics. First one will be about innovation. Everything about methodologies, strategies, experiences, tips and tricks, where to find informations and maybe how to use them. Also if you just want to find a point to start.
The second big topic at this blog will be connected to innovation in some kind. One of my other huge points of interest is the way we learn. So the second part at this blog will be about learning methods and the way of learning in the internet known as learning. There are a lot changes are going on at the moment. How learning can be changed or optimized. People always need to learn new things at all stages of there live. At work, at home or at school. There are new concepts and studies about who we can learn in a new way also using new technologies for that. A very interesting topic an i hope to be able to share some of these to you.
Also covering the technologies behind that. So you can find a third stream covering technologies and software to be used for innovation and learning. Speaking about how to use them and what are the concepts about them.
I hope you will enjoy it and can gather useful information for you and your way of learning and innovating.
Thanks a lot